Movie Slideshow of Romanian Visit 1
Here is a movie slideshow of the Comenius visit to Romania 2014. [vimeo url=”″ ]
Here is a movie slideshow of the Comenius visit to Romania 2014. [vimeo url=”″ ]
Here is the World Cup Research from a group of our pupils, who were finding out about Argentina. Argentina Presentation
Here is the World Cup Research from a group of our pupils, who were finding out about Costa Rica. Costa Rica Presentation
Here is the World Cup Research from a group of our pupils, who were finding out about Brazil! Brazil Presentation
Iran Presentation: Iran Belgium 2: Prezentacja Belgia Adventures around Europe World Cup: Space ted’s Adventures around Europe World Cup Research
A mini World Cup took place in Dimitar Blagoev Primary on Thursday and Friday last week. Our students nominated four national teams which according to them will qualify for the semi-finals in Brazil – Argentina, Brazil, England and Spain. The school teams representing the countries were a mix of 5th […]