During the week of the Comenius visit we had two teacher birthdays to celebrate at our welcome assembly, Peta Harris and Iuliana Muntean from Romania. Everyone enjoyed singing for them at the assembly.
During the week of the Comenius visit we had two teacher birthdays to celebrate at our welcome assembly, Peta Harris and Iuliana Muntean from Romania. Everyone enjoyed singing for them at the assembly.
The teachers from our Comenius project walked down the Royal Mile from the castle, calling in at St Giles Cathedral on the way down to the Scottish Parliament.
During our visit to the Parliament, the group were welcomed to Scotland by Paul Wheelhouse Minister for the Environment and Climate Change. We also had a tour of the Parliament and visited the chamber while parliament was discussing business.
Our Comenius partners enjoyed a visit to Edinburgh to visit the castle, St Giles Cathedral and the Parliament among other things. Here are a few things they did on their visit.
Here are our visitors visiting some of the classes during their visit.
Twenty-two teachers from Turkey, Poland, Czech Republic, Romania, Bulgaria, Italy and Cyprus visit Scotland this week for our project. We are planning the activities for this term and some will work in Ednam Primary School with pupils this week, as well as visit the Scottish Parliament and the locality.
The first visit of new Comenius Project Partners planned for week beginning 7th October 2013 to Scotland. Representatives from : Szkoła Podstawowa Integracyjna nr 21 (Poland) R1 ȘCOALA GIMNAZIALĂ ,,ARON DENSUȘIANU” (Romania 1) R2 LICEUL TEORETIC “CONSTANTIN ANGELESCU” (Romania 2) OLOHMERO DIMOTIKO SXOLEIO DISPILIOU (Greece) Istituto Comprensivo 1° Anagni (Italy) Zübeyde Hanım […]